A year and three days ago, our last post was published: Dynamic Games (v2.2)., where we added the namesake: Dynamic Games. It was successful, and now we can add unlimited games.
Although, as I'm sure you've seen, that hasn't been happening as much as you might expect.
Cool Games. What's next? To be honest, we don't really know. Other than adding new games from time to time, there aren't any v2.3 or beyond plans worthy of a new update name.
We've thought of two main things: Adding custom proxy links to our site, and adding ChatGPT. but for the latter, why add that? Why would people visit our site instead of the actual website? They usually wouldn't, so it's a waste of time to add that. And for custom proxy links, it's just been about our motivation. Working out how to get a few proxy links hasn't been our priority, so that's been halted.
So, what now?
Enter the heroic reader. Because that's where you come in! What's next? It's up to you. We are more than happy to welcome your game suggestions, website change suggestions, feature requests, or anything else. We'll try our best to deliver what you want, so let us know! We can hear from you by either:
Submitting a form on the feedback page!
Joining our Discord server and telling us in the Feedback channel!
Starting a live chat, and letting us know; if we're not online, leave your information and write what you want to be added to our website there. We'll get back to you as soon as possible!
We would appreciate your support. As we go throughout this year, we want to be more active in updating our website. We love what we're doing.
Thanks for your time, and happy gaming!
Xavier Forten and Anthony Kegher
Creators of Cool Games
Website est. December 2020
Awesome! I’m really looking forward to some new games on the site!