Hello, Gamers! If you haven't noticed, we've revamped the look of Cool Games. We've updated almost every page and made it have a more consistent theme, better colors and contrast, and newer elements. This is to make the site look better and more appealing.
We've fixed stuff like.. this?

I don't know how we let that slide. But we've made the site look so much better and cleaner. Compare the home page:

And compare the footer:

We generally are having more rounded edges and friendlier and cooler looks. We hope you like it! Feel free to give us feedback on what you think of the changes.
This isn't the end of it, though. I'm sure there are still some bugs we haven't found with the site, and we're also going to change the game pages into dynamic pages, which we're still figuring out but should make the site faster (at least in the editor?). It'll take a while because there are a lot of games, but we can pull it off with time.
Meanwhile, thanks for your support and activeness, and happy gaming!
Xavier Forten
Creator on Cool Games
Website est. December 2020