We've had a couple mobile/downloadable game requested...

Hey there, guys!
Over the past couple of months, more "not-online" games have been requested to the site. Games like that would include Roblox, Rocket League, Cookie Run Kingdom, etc.
These are games you usually have to download on PC or mobile.
Most of types of games, unfortunately, are not normally able to be played online a web browser.
However, we've been looking into the possibility and we've found some resources that could enable you to do so. If you might not be able to play it in a game frame here on the website, we'll add a link to where we got it from you can enjoy the best gaming experience on web browser even if it is not directly on our website.
Thanks for requesting games! Share Cool Games with your friends and stay safe! 😁
Anthony Kegher
Owner of Cool Games
Website est. December 2020.